Sarah answers your questions!
What made you interested in Politics?
I have always been interested in discussion - my parents would say arguing! I studied politics and sociology at university and have always had a keen interest in why people behave the way they do, what makes them think in certain ways and how society and culture shapes belief.
What is your main priority for Brighton Pavilion?
I think Brighton Pavilion needs a strong voice at Westminster. It's such a diverse and inclusive city that a one-hat-fits-all does not apply to this vibrant culture, and we need to represent the many voices that strive to be heard. Homelessness and drugs are a major issue and we need a holistic harm reduction approach to young people and drug misuse.
Who is your idol (political or non-political)?
Political idol - too many to choose from! Non-political is Kylie Minogue all the way! She brings joy and happiness and whenever I am having a bad day a dance round the kitchen to Kylie sorts me out!
Why did you want to stand in Brighton Pavilion?
I wanted to stand for Brighton Pavilion because this is where I started my adult life after university. My first house was in Patcham and my 2 boys were both born at The Royal Sussex Hospital. Brighton will always be home.
What one policy has been the most beneficial in your life?
The sex discrimination act was passed 2 years after I was born . So, I have benefitted all my life from this act which promotes equality and opportunity regardless of sex.